This is a free service provided by Medina County Emergency Management Agency. In the event of a local emergency, an alert will be sent via phone call, text message, and/or email.
Residents of Medina County can be notified of emergency situations via Medina County Emergency Alerts (MCEA). MCEA allows safety officials to send messages to the entire community, or a specific area within moments. These messages will inform residents of the situation and give instructions for action.
MCEA delivers messages via phone call, text message, & email based on the contact information you provide. The service will be used only for emergency notification when rapid and accurate information is essential for your immediate safety.
We urge you to register for the service by clicking the Register button above. This also allows you to sign up to receive customized notifications. You can enter up to 5 phone numbers and 5 email addresses to be sure you are informed, wherever you are.
When you submit the information, the contact information is immediately updated in the database and you are ready to receive emergency messages. This information will be kept private and will not be shared or sold.
Medina County business owners are also encouraged to register for this potentially life-saving service. Please select business when registering.
Weather Warning Service
You can subscribe to an optional weather warning service to keep you aware of storm activity as soon as a warning is issued. This service is also free for all Medina County residents. When a warning is issued by the National Weather Service, MCEA will automatically send you an alert for the warnings you subscribed for. You will receive the warnings when the address you registered falls within the National Weather Service Warning, not your current location. This is simply a brief message to notify you that a warning has been issued. It is your responsibility to seek additional information.
Access & Functional Needs
Registrants can volunteer limited information on access and functional needs. This information could be used if emergency information is only pertinent to people with access and functional needs. This information will not be shared with any other system.
If you have questions or need assistance signing up, contact Medina County Emergency Management Agency at (330) 722-9240.