Communications Exercise

Medina County Emergency Management, in collaboration with CISA ICTAP (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency; The Interoperable Communications Technical Assistance Program) and our county design team, customized a mock weather related/hazardous materials incident to occur during fair week. This exercise was meant to test response capabilities and discuss coordination activities needed to mitigate a large scale emergency.

This testing is an annual requirement of the Local Emergency Planning Committee and helps local communities, in partnership with county resources, evaluate current operations along with challenges to overcome. Successes are recognized and challenges are turned into improvement plans and training opportunities. The recent events in East Palestine are the very reason every county in Ohio must test response capabilities annually.

We would like to thank the many stakeholders who shared their day with us. A special thank you to the Medina County Fair Board for coordinating use of the community center…we appreciate you!

We hope to not forget anyone:
Medina County Fair Board
Medina City Fire Department
Medina City Police Department
Montville Police Department
Medina Township Police Department
Medina County Health Department
Medina County Sheriffs Office
Medina Life Support Team
Medina Hospital
Sharon Township Fire Department
Bath Fire Department
Wadsworth Fire Department
Ohio State Patrol
Ohio Emergency Management Agency
Summit County EMA
Portage County EMA
Logan County EMA
Strongsville Fire Department
Medina County All-Hazards Team
Medina County Communications Unit
Medina County Citizens Response Team
Region II USAR
Region V USAR
Healthcare Alliance of Greater Ohio (27 hospitals in NE Ohio)
Cleveland Clinic Brunswick
American Red Cross
FBC Chemical Co.
Brunswick City Police Department
Wadsworth City Police Department
Westfield Fire Department
Wooster Township Fire Department
Town & Country Fire Department

We are, and will always be, better together!
Thank you Medina County!